Monday 19 May 2014

Explore More about Women hair loss

A nice head of hair is indeed a great blessing and mostly women take this blessing for granted until they start losing hair for some reasons. Men with bald head may look good but women with bald head never look beautiful. Old women say that beauty of a woman lies on her head. However, women who lose their hair due to genetic, age, alopecia or other reasons must have to seek a permanent solution, which is available in the form of Hair Transplantation in Dubai.

When it comes to basic procedure of hair transplantation for women then simply this procedure is not different from hair harvesting in men. The basic procedure is to remove hair from the donor area and then to transplant it into bald area of head. The pattern of hair loss in women is somehow different from men. They usually lose hair from the sides of their parted hair. Women who often center or side part their hair notice bald patch close to this region. Other women notice bald hair pattern in the middle of scalp. Sometimes patter of women hair loss is exactly similar to men hair loss pattern, it generally happens when women suffer from Androgenetic alopecia. In such cases, women lose hair from either frontal hairline or vertex.

It is good to know that every woman is not a good candidate for Hair Transplant in Dubai. An ideal candidate for this surgery is one who has some form of alopecia. Other cases when women are regarded ideal candidate for surgery are the women who have had poor results from cosmetic surgery, who want to minimize scar appearance, who have female pattern baldness, have trauma, etc. Poor candidate for hair transplant is a woman who have diffuse hair loss, in this problem she faces thinning hair problem over the entire scalp rather than a particular area.

A hair transplant surgery lets the women to get back their natural-looking hair forever.

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